Стр 1

MGN Pools Washington DC Area

Местоположение: Washington DC Area

Америкън Дрийм и MGN Pools , Ви осигуряват работна оферта за едно незабравимо лято  като спасители на басейни, само за 1169$

MGN Pools

Washington DC Area

Positions: Lifeguard / Pool Operator

$14/h Overtime: $21/h ( for all hours over 40 in the same week) .
$15 /h ,Overtime:$ 21/h

Average weekly hours:

 48+ on average for the season (weather dependent)

Bonus: $500 (based on performance). Must arrive before May 27 and work to September 4 2023.

Job specifics: As a lifeguard you will have to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the swimmers.

The lifeguard must check and maintain  specific chemical levels in the pool. Cleaning the pool and surrounding area.
Employees have to be in uniform at all times when on duty.

Housing: 145$ per week

Housing is provided at a cost of $145 per week. This cost includes the following utilities: phone, heat, water, and air conditioning. Apartments are partly furnished. Food is not provided but an apartment comes with a full kitchen and all utensils necessary to prepare your own meals. Please bring your own personal necessities such as towels, sheets, pillows, toiletries, etc. Housing is shared, with approximately 5-6 students per apartment and 2-3 students per bedroom.

In order to remain in MGN Pools housing after 9/4/2023, employee must notify MGN Pools by 8/4/2023

Housing Deposit:

$200 housing deposit is required to be paid upon arrival or can be deducted from the paycheck. $150 is refundable if the apartment is left in appropriate condition as determined by the apartment owner.

Grooming code:

Employees have to be in uniform at all times when on duty. The cost of a uniform package is $45- $55.
FREE Uniform package.


Start date/end date: 23 May - 07.Sept



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